Partnerships & Collaborations
Who are we looking for?
We're searching for individuals who share our passion for dogs and strive to give them a happy, healthy life. If you're based in Europe, maintain an active account with genuine followers, and love providing your dog with top-quality products and experiences, the Pala partnership program is for you!
Ideally you enjoy things like (but not limited to) spending time with your dog, photography, video creation, tricks, fitness, dog training, nutrition, hiking or dog sports and want to include Pala in your everyday life.
What can you expect from us?
- Sponsored food and treats for your dog(s) for the collaboration.
- Your own exclusive discount code for additional purchases after the collaboration.
- Features on our social media channels.
- Flexibility for your creative ideas, including giveaways, competitions and gifts for birthday parties, etc.
- A discount code to share with your friends and followers.
What do we expect from you?
- Passion for Pala and dogs in general.
- A mix of creative content in your style.
- Posts/stories as agreed upon.
- Adherence to general content guidelines.
- Genuine interest in Pala with engagement in what we do, and open communication to share insights and feedback.
If you're interested in potentially joining the team, please submit your application by completing the questionnaire provided below!
Unfortunately, we cannot partner with everyone. Please note that we review applications based on available time and resources, and we will contact you if we are able to pursue a collaboration.
** By filling out the typeform application above, you allow that we (Pala) store your information exclusively for internal use according to GDPR, your information will not be shared with third parties. **

Koerad ja kassid õitsevad valgu põhisel dieedil, nagu loodus on ette näinud.
Meie terviklikud ja tasakaalustatud retseptid sisaldavad vähemalt 82% hästi seeditavat toorest liha ja kala, 13-14% antioksüdantide ja kiudaineterikkaid köögivilju ja marju ning 3-4% looduslikke võimendusaineid. Siin ei ole teravilju, täiteaineid, tärklist ega taimset päritolu oomegasid.

Teadus meie toidus
Kvaliteetne liha ja kala ei ole kõik. Oluline on ka proportsioon, tasakaal ja täiustamine. Meie retseptid on koostatud koostöös DogRisk, juhtiva sõltumatu teadusasutusega, mis keskendub koerte tervisele ja toitumisele Helsingi Ülikoolis. Meil on ka teaduspartnerlus Tallinna Tehnikaülikooliga, et olla kursis toidu valmistamise ja säilitamise uusimate uuendustega.