Event sponsorships
Pala Event Sponsoring 2024
Thank you for considering Pala Petfoods for your event! We are thrilled to support initiatives that align with our values, promote the well-being of pets, and enhance the bond between pets and their humans. Whether your event focuses on dog training, pet health, nutrition or simply celebrates the joy of having pets, we are excited to be a part of it.
Please fill out the form linked below and answer the questions. We will review your application and get back to you as soon as possible.

How to apply
Our capacity to sponsor events is limited, so we prioritise early applications. To increase your chances of being sponsored, please submit your request well in advance of your event date. While we would love to sponsor everyone, it is simply not feasible. Therefore, we encourage you to apply early for the best chance of support.
What we offer
We offer a standard package of 20 small gifts per application, regardless of event size. This is to ensure that a maximum amount of event organisers can receive something to give to competition participants and/or winners.Our sponsorships can include:
- Gift cards: An amount that can be used on our website, allowing recipients to pick and choose their own products.
- Product samples: Allowing your attendees to try our high-quality pet foods and treats.
- Full products: Providing full sized products for your event, such as gift bags or winner prizes.
Application process
- First-come, first-served: Applications are reviewed in the order they are received. Once our sponsorship quota is filled, we may have to decline additional requests.
- Review: Our team will assess each application to ensure it aligns with our brand values and goals.
- Notification: Successful applicants will be contacted via email with details of the sponsorship package.
Important information
- Our sponsorship capacity is limited and we give priority to early applications.
- Even if we cannot sponsor your event this time, we appreciate your understanding and encourage you to apply again for future events.
- For any inquiries or further information, feel free to contact us at info@palapets.com.

Koerad ja kassid õitsevad valgu põhisel dieedil, nagu loodus on ette näinud.
Meie terviklikud ja tasakaalustatud retseptid sisaldavad vähemalt 82% hästi seeditavat toorest liha ja kala, 13-14% antioksüdantide ja kiudaineterikkaid köögivilju ja marju ning 3-4% looduslikke võimendusaineid. Siin ei ole teravilju, täiteaineid, tärklist ega taimset päritolu oomegasid.

Teadus meie toidus
Kvaliteetne liha ja kala ei ole kõik. Oluline on ka proportsioon, tasakaal ja täiustamine. Meie retseptid on koostatud koostöös DogRisk, juhtiva sõltumatu teadusasutusega, mis keskendub koerte tervisele ja toitumisele Helsingi Ülikoolis. Meil on ka teaduspartnerlus Tallinna Tehnikaülikooliga, et olla kursis toidu valmistamise ja säilitamise uusimate uuendustega.